I hear the sound!

I King’s 18 :41. I hear the Sound!

Sound of the Rain For there is a sound of abundance of rain — The rain is as certainly and speedily coming, as if you did actually see it, or hear the noise which it makes.

As a child of God we Must know what it is to lead people into the presence of the Lord . Into the raining of His presence . Elijah prophetically spoke of a rain that would not only break the broken hardened famine land to see an overflow of an abundance of rivers of water .. but there was a spiritual revelation over the nation that rained the minute the God of Abraham; Isaac and Jacob broke the famine from the land . There was a famine in the natural but also a famine of Godliness , of Holiness , of a Fear of the Lord. The people feared Ahab and Jezebel , they feared the false God Baal.. more than God. Yet God sent One Man to deliver the Nation from its Spiritual Drought.

Gods is looking for an available Man or Woman of God that will hear His Sound.

Elijah went into Prayer, he did not faint or give over. A little cloud at length appeared, which soon overspread the heavens, and watered the earth. Great blessings often arise from small beginnings, showers of plenty from a cloud of span long. Let us never despise the day of small things, but hope and wait for great things from it.

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